This is a snippet from my new book The Elf Mage, the third book in the Clan Elves of the Bitterroot series, published by, available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and all the usual sources.
Lane Donatelli, a World of Warcraft addict and child abuse survivor, has a laptop that has been infused with magic by little Max, an albino elf of the Montana clan. Max wants to learn human ways, and finds an online world of elves he never expected….
“Max, right-click on the flagpole! The blue one right by the edge of the cliff.”
Max maneuvered his toon into place, and clicked on the pole, which turned gray, then a minute later, turned to red. “What do I do with it?” he asked.
“Nothing. We just have to keep control of it.” Lane kept typing, involved in a heavy swordfight with an Alliance warrior.
The young elf eyed him. “That does not seem like much of a goal.”
“In about a minute, someone will try to stab you for it—keep an eye out. Buddy, watch out for Max—he’s a noob!”
“Oh. I am a noob? I thought I was a warrior.” Max chewed his lip, staring at the screen as though the creatures circling around on it would jump off the monitor and grab him.
Lane chuckled. “A noob is a newbie–a new player. It’s not something bad. Never mind. Just hold that flag!”
Interested? Find other snippets from the series here and here and here.
Learn more here at this website, or at
Check out the snippets from science fiction and fantasy authors for this Saturday!
Being a gamer myself, I was right there in this scene!! Great way to show the humor and action through dialog. :)
Got a little lost (I’m not a gamer) but I enjoyed the humor.
Amusing snippet!
Are you from Missoula? I am from Kalispell–have a brother in Missoula and lived there myself for several years. Hubby and I are considering a move to Kalispell when kids are settled in college. LOVE NW Montana.
I lived in Missoula for a year or so when my daughter was born. It’s been 30 years ago, but I can’t get that beautiful country out of my head. :) This whole series will be set there, and that allows me to go back every so often to research and take new pictures. :) Kalispell seems like a good-sized town. Hope you get back there!
Great stuff :-D
Fun snippet!