October 31, 2010 – 2:22 pm
The Clan Elves now have a Facebook page! Come by and check “Like” at your convenience, and share our quirky goodness with all your friends!
October 29, 2010 – 6:52 am
We’ve just gone live to Barnes and Noble’s new PubIt system! Get your hot little Nook in hand and go here to start reading The Elf Queen now!
October 23, 2010 – 8:01 am
We have the comments from the male point of view today over at Reading Review, where Conan Tigard has posted an excerpt, a summary tease and a review. He’s looking forward to the next volume in the series, he says, and I can assure him some of the questions to which he still wants answers will [...]
October 18, 2010 – 6:28 am
The first of my sister writers from Margie Lawson’s excellent Immersion Master Class has joined our Other Writers, Other Worlds page– welcome, Sherry Isaac! Please stop by and read what she has to say about writing discipline.
October 17, 2010 – 7:39 am
When Meadville attorney, Barbara “Babs” Mountjoy, closes the door on her busy law practice, and has her even more active family safely tucked into bed, she dons the robes of Lyndi Alexander, her pen name, and escapes to the world of fantasy that lives within the deep recesses of her computer. Even though Mountjoy has [...]
October 11, 2010 – 7:35 am
We had fun this week at The Erie Book Store–thanks, Kathleen! She had wonderful refreshments, coffee and fresh fall cider, a huge place to set up my display, and we even had the television news stop by. I was interviewed, and it ran on both the 6 and 11 p.m. news! Certainly glad it was [...]
October 3, 2010 – 2:28 pm
For information on the storylines and other updates, see the Dragonfly Publishing homepage here. How exciting is this? (P.S. The ‘read about’ is from the DFP page–if you want to read about them, you’ll have to go there. Best I can do. Damn it, Jim, I’m a writer, not a computer artist. :) )
October 2, 2010 – 3:49 pm
Wow! What a great event today at Tattered Corners in Meadville! Thank you Jennifer and Tracy for a fabulous event, and all the wonderful readers who stopped by to pick up their copies of The Elf Queen. Congratulations to Mary-Lib Whitney, who won the door prize, one of Elaina’s hemp bracelets with the Elf Queen [...]